Solutions for Sea Level Rise (SLR) “Series”

My Bio & Scientific Articles [HERE]

Sea Level Rise (SLR) phenomenon has been considered a critical & dangerous crisis for humankind lives especially for people who live in coastline cities & islands.


.Figure (1 ) – Male, Maldive

Yearly, the sea level rise is increased as a result of bad effects of global warming.

Global warming has been created by greenhouse gases (GHG) which they are mainly included:

  1. Carbon Dioxide – CO2
  2. Water Vapor – H2O
  3. Methane – CH4
  4. Nitrous Oxide – N2O
  5. Fluorinated Gases

Their role are to reflect the earth’s radiation into the earth again which lead to increase the heat transfer & temperature of earth as we see in figure (2).


Figure (2) – How GHG effects on the Earth

Increasing temperature lead to three process related to the Sea Level Rise (SLR) phenomenon which they are:

  • Thermal Expanding of seawater.
  • Retreating glaciers from mountains
  • Shrinking the polar ice sheets.

Figure (3) shows how each process may contribute yearly on the global sea level rise.


Figure (3) – Process Contribution on Sea Level Rise

For that reasons, United Nations has been involved to study, analysis & recommend the best ways to overcome this challenge to protect our souls from the future disaster as the melting of all Antarctica land will rise the sea level more than 60 meter.

It will be the human extinction if we don’t recover this issue quickly.

Intergovernmental Panel of Climate Change (IPCC) is the scientist panel of United Nations which is concerned with global warming.

In the 21th Convention Of The Parties (COP21) recommended to make the temperature rise less than 2 ⁰C. For that purpose we (Nations) decrease the their carbon emissions (Power plants, automobiles, planes, ships & factories).

In my opinion, this is not a sustainable solution, as keeping the temperature rise less than 2 ⁰C annually to maintaining the carbon emission rate constant means, that the same severe floods, hurricanes & drought will happen again in same scenario & many people will damage.


Figure (4) – Effects of El-Nino Phenomenon


Figure (5) – Thailand Flood

Also, the global population is increasing annually, and surely they will have their special needs to utilize from fossil fuel (transportation, cooking & working).

So, I have decided to find another methods to solve the Sea Level Rise issue.

I have found many ideas & I have published them on my LinkedIn profile.

So, I would like to share it with interested people who care about other innovative ideas rather than decreasing emissions, to return our environment situation before 1881.

 Starting from the industrial revolution year by 1881 until today, the humankind has been enjoyed too much for their lives & changed many features of earth.

Environment was very patient with humankind game, but when this game reach to high level of risks, the energy balance in earth will move strongly to punish as a result of human games accumulation for all previous decades & it will start to change the environment as required to maintaining the universe system of justice.

Universe Justice between Environmnet and Humankind

Figure (6) – Universe justice between Environment & Humankind

What you pay, you will deserve, if you stolen/cheat you will be punished

I have divide the series into several episodes. Some of them I have published & other wants some times to prepare it.

* Episodes of Sea Level Rise (SLR) Series are:

Episode 1Artificial X-Large Lakes (AXL) Technology for Preventing The Sea Level Rise (SLR) Near The Coastline Cities

Episode 2Isolated Marine-Wall for Stopping the Shrinkage of Ice Sheets in Antarctica.

Episode 3Mini Artificial Oceanic Stars (MAOS) Technology for Decreasing the Thermal Expansion of Seawater

Episode 4Advanced Solar Photovoltaic (PV ) Technology on Ocean 

Episode 5Deep Water Technique (DWT) for producing Hydrogen, Purified Water & A Unique Electricity

Episode 6 – ( Coming Later)

Episode 7 – ( Coming Later)

Episode 8 – ( Coming Later)

Episode 9 – ( Coming Later)

Episode 10 – ( Coming Later)

Frankly, when I was prepared all that published post & read some articles, I have discovered many ideas which related to solve the sea level rise (SLR) issue.

It’s something amazing to have the characteristic to find another solutions by reading articles while you are searching to discover a scientific reason for specific phenomenon.

Maybe in the future, I will increase the number of episodes of this series, so you may return to this post every week/month for any coming update.

Thank you for giving me your glory time for reading my modest scientific post
